Will Maryland Raccoons Hibernate

You probably know that most urban mammals will retreat to our houses during the winter season. Some of the animals will hibernate all throughout the cold months. The temperature of the animal will drop, and their breathing rate and heart rate will slow down. Animals tend to hibernate that will help them conserve their body fat and survive through the winter. Most animals will hibernate due to the low availability of food. The time needed for the animal to hibernate will depend upon the climate, animals, and a range of other factors.

How Baltimore Raccoons Hibernate During the Winter
Baltimore raccoons will not go to a hibernation period. However, their activity will significantly decline once it becomes cold. During the autumn season, the raccoon will start to build-up their body fat. The coat of the raccoon will gradually thicken that will help them remain warm. The raccoons will be persistent and aggressive when they are hunting for foods. They can raid our chicken coop, turn-over the garbage can, and dig all over our lawns to look for grubs. This is a perfect time to get rid of the raccoons before they even move in to your house for the winter.

Apart from developing a thicker coat layer, there are heaps of behavioral and physical changes that they will undergo to adapt to the winter. The raccoon will collect and store oak seeds during autumn or the late summer season. Once the winter ends, the raccoon will lose 50% of their accumulated body fat. If they can’t find an access to our house, they can take shelter in the hollows of the trees or at the abandoned burrows of other animals.

Sleeping Habit
Raccoons are nocturnal by nature. They will be active while we are sleeping soundly. This means that the possibility that we will track their movement is a bit lacking. Nonetheless, if there is a lack of resources, the animal will remain active during the day to hunt for food. They will sleep in the abandoned nest or burrows, piles of debris, or other holes that they will discover in the wild. It will not be uncommon for the animal to switch their sleeping area.

Behavioral Changes
While the raccoons will not hibernate, they will also go through a state of slumber especially during the unfavorable weather condition. They will only survive using their fat reserves and will shed most of it by the end of the winter. They are adaptable creature with regards to finding their homes.

Dietary Changes
Raccoon survive different climates and locations due to their varied diet. They are opportunistic feeders and will eat just about anything that they come across. In some areas they will primarily consume plant-based sustenance. In other areas, they will be eating insects and small amphibians. When in the urban areas, they will be raiding our trashcan. The raccoons will be doing anything to survive during the winter. They can change their behavior and physical features just to adapt to the biting

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